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The Arc of Space Coast-
Non Profit Testimonials


Some of our most meaningful work has come from collbarations with non profit organizations. We work with empathy, and have massive respect for those who allow us such vulnerability when sharing their stories.

Non Profit Testimonials

Historic Huguenot Street
Virtual Tours


We have built relationships with local museums and historical societies, working together to create engaging virtual tour series to help take their stories to the masses.

Virtual Exhibit Tours

Beeline Moving and
Hauling Commercial


We specialize in creating commercials for TV 
and online platforms. Our team has a keen eye for detail and works tirelessly to produce commercials that stand out from the crowd.


Sir Echo-
Live Performance


We have proficient experience capturing live performances as well as creating artistic music videos. Every project is a collaboration with our clients to create a visually stunning music video that speaks their vision.

Live Performance

Documentaries- Real Life


Mosaic Vision has created multiple documentaries telling real-life stories. 
Working closely with subjects to create a comfortable atmosphere for shooting in.

Real Life Stories

Indigenous Daughter-
Ceremonial Creations


We have worked with content creators like Indigenous Daughter, owner of Apu Healing 
Plant Medicine Retreat Center in Peru. We feel extremely grateful to capture and platform Indigenous traditions and culture.

Content Creators

Sweet Confusion 


Mosaic Vision Productions has worked with brilliant directors on a variety of Narrative Shorts that showcase our storytelling abilities. Our team works collaboratively with our clients to bring their vision to life in a visually stunning way.

Narrative Films

Are you ready to collaborate?

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© 2024 by Mosaic Vision Productions

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